The Enemy Within’: Behind The Sorcerer

Photo credit: Gavin Sanchez
April 20, 2023
The show that’s currently still in production, The Enemy Within’ has a large variety of characters, we have a magical sorcerer, a banished god, brains and brawn, a jack of all trades, and a demigod from another reality. These heroes are both loved and hated across the world for their acts of heroism for the days and nights of New York. Here is a deep dive into our favorite magical sorcerer, Amethyst.
Amethyst, also known as Steven Sparks, Anderson Nateki, and Tai Coleman has a much deeper past than you’d think. When Steven was a child, his mother and father were alcoholics and often left the house and left Steven alone at home. Steven grew up in Queens, New York. When they were home, they’d often beat Steven since they were anything but sober. Steven created Anderon and Tai to escape his harsh reality. They learned how to survive by themselves, they learned to make food, and they learned how to manage the house while their parents were out. One day while they were asleep, they had a dream of a strange hand gesture that left them confused. Later that day while they were making food, they tried replicating the hand gesture. This is how they found out they have some kind of magic or powers. At this time, Radiants and heroes were still fairly new, since they were only around for 19 years. They were 10 when they found out about their powers.
`When they used their power for the first time, they blew up the stove, oven, and microwave, and set fire to the living room. Naturally, they were kicked out of the house and had to fend for themselves, but they were used to this so they did pretty well. When they were 14, they took money from their parents to get into high school to get an education. They were able to get an apartment in Brooklyn. Since they didn’t have much money, they lived in the attic of the apartment complex without anyone knowing. They were able to get into college during their sophomore year of high school, so they completed college a lot earlier than expected. They got their bachelor’s in manufacturing management. During their high school and college years, they have been practicing with his powers. They found out that they are part of the 6th generation of sorcerers protecting Earth, they have been training his magic ever since the day they got kicked out. When Amethyst got his new home, they began his hero work. They made his first suit out of scraps and whatever they could find.
One day as they were looking for materials, They found some strange red and blue crystal shards. They took them to his apartment to experiment on them, this is when they start digging deeper into their connections with the previous sorcerers. Many sleepless nights later, they learn about the Reality Branch (The Reality Branch is explained here). They decided to use their magic to become a hero, so they took the Dark End shards, whipped up a suit, and took to the streets. From that day, they were known as Garnet. Around a month later, he realized that his Dark End shards were way too powerful and that he needed an alternative because he had accidentally lost control and killed one too many criminals. That night, they thought that they could combine the Dark End shards with the Lunar shards he had. That is when the hero, Amethyst was officially born.
That is the story of the leader of the hero team, Amethyst. Steven, Tai, and Anderson will no doubt become the greatest sorcerer of the 5 previous sorcerers! I hope to see how he will change throughout The Enemy Within’.