Spooky season is back—Halloween is here! The traditions that always come with Halloween are pumpkin carving with family and friends, dunking heads to bob for apples, using the Ouija board, messing with springs, and telling spooky stories around the bonfire. The best tradition of all is going door to door saying Trick or Treat!
But the same question is asked every year, What age is the right age to stop Trick or Treating? The best way is answer this question is to break it down by age group.
0 to 10 year olds
During this age period, every kid is dressed in their cutest costumes, going with parents or family members. They are excited to go up to every door and say “Trick or Treat!”
11 to 13 years
The award stage of everyone’s life, the preteens, is when the contemplating starts: whether or not to go Trick-or-Treating. Many go Trick-or-Treating with friends rather than family, while few don’t go Trick-or-Treating because it is not “Cool.”
14 to 17 years old
The stage of being in high school, everyone wants to go out and hang out with friends. So many high schools just walk around in costumes on Halloween night. Some stay home and have some frightening Halloween festivities. Like staying up all night watching scary movies, handing out candy to the Trick or Treaters, or devouring the candy themselves!
18-year-olds and up
The age of becoming an adult. Many go out to parties, hang out with friends, or stay home and hand out candy. There are the adults who stay home lurking in the dark not enjoying the thrilling night of Halloween.
Throughout life, there’s always a change. But what never changes is Halloween coming every year. Even Though some people say there is a cutoff age as long you’re having fun and enjoying your time Trick or Treating. In my eyes, there is no time to retire!

Don Scarborough, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

Silar, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons