AP Classes and Student Council: What Can’t Gabriela Meza Do?
May 8, 2023
Gaby Meza, the prime example of an overachiever, and someone that every future freshman should strive to be. After high school she plans on attending a trade school to continue her career. She had said she’s interested in doing something such as becoming an ultrasound tech or a dentist assistant. I was able to look deeper into her future and her past with a special one-on-one interview.
I asked her what she struggles with most as a senior. Gabby responded saying, “keeping myself motivated.” She also goes on to say, “it’s all about scholarships, colleges, perfect grades and attendance. Also about keeping yourself positive and not stressing out.” All of us can agree that school can be very stressful and demotivating sometimes, especially with all the pressure that is put on these seniors. How might she want to prevent that though? I asked her, with all her experience, how would she improve Agua Fria. “ I would improve it by making sure everyone got along with each other…” That would definitely make this school better for the next generations to come, and it would improve the performance greatly. She also mentioned how cooperation is key to improving the school. “What advice would you give to future freshmen?” Gaby said to not be afraid to make new friends, be outgoing and courageous, and one of the most important things of all, participate in any school events. She also went on to say that she was shy most of her freshman year. That came as a big surprise to me considering how outgoing and social she is. I then asked her, “If you could go back and change one thing, what would it be?” “I think I would just make better choices in life in general, and pay attention to my grades and being on top of my assignments.”Gaby said, “I have mostly good grades now and I was a straight A student for 9th and 10th grade. In junior year I slacked off and let it all fall apart.” She talked about how she was not in the best place mentally outside of school and got distracted. Her Junior year was the first couple months after the Covid-19 disaster so Gaby probably is not the only person that let their grades slip during that time. But enough talking about the past, I wanted to talk about her future, when me and her were talking about what she wanted to do after high school I asked her if she thought that it prepared her for the real world, “Yes” Gabby said “because you were able to see who are really your true friends and see how reality is. And that if you don’t get it done now you won’t ever get it done.” I then asked her, “ What are you most grateful for?” She had to think about this for a while, “I’m grateful for my mom teaching me how to be independent and teaching me ways on how to live life, she gave me a lot of motivation. My mom is someone I can go to anything about. My mom is my best friend. I trust her with everything. Watching her being a single parent to my eyes and being able to give us whatever we asked for made me realize that you have to be thankful for the smallest things you get. My mom is my hero.” I then asked her if she has any bad habits that you wish to break but couldn’t, she thinks that she is too nice to people she said “people tend to take advantage of it” “If you could move anywhere in the world where would it be and why” She responded with, “New York, I love their lifestyle and just the thought of me living there makes me feel fancy. The way they are always staying busy , the community, culture…” She had watched the show ‘Gossip Girls’ and was instantly hooked on the rushed lifestyle of the big city.

Gaby has been a part of our school’s Student Council for 3 years! I got to talk to one of the StuCo teachers Ms.Rams and ask her how Gaby was in her class. “Gaby was an amazing leader in the Student Council. She is on the executive board and does a great job delegating tasks and making sure that people complete their tasks.” She went on to state how much of an honor it was that she got to be a temporary sponsor for Gaby, and “She is a wonderful human being and brings so much energy to any situation.” She is organized and committed. During the Angel Tree event that Agua Fria held Gaby would spend hours filling out shopping lists and wrapping presents. “I could not have done it without her.” Rams went on to say. “Gaby has contributed so much to StuCo this past year. I can’t wait to see what she accomplishes after high school!” Ms.Rams obviously has great expectations for Gaby and thinks that she is going to be very successful after highschool. It’s going to be sad to see Gaby and the whole class of 2023 leave, many memories were made in only one year and I am glad that I got the opportunity to meet and build a friendship with her. I wish the best for her in the future.