News: Putin has assassinated his EX best friend…maybe
Is this war ever going to end? Who is the victor of this brutal atrocity? Many of these questions cannot be answered yet but we can predict what is going to happen. But one thing that we would never have predicted to happen was the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin Who passed away due to a plane crash that had mysteriously occurred in Russian territory.
Yevgeny Prizgozhin was a Russian oligarch and leader of the Wagner private military company. He was a close personal friend of Vladimir Putin until He launched a rebellion against the Kremlin in June. The rebellion had been invading Russia and freeing towns and cities in Ukraine from the Red Army. With the world watching, people began to wonder if Russia could take down the militia group or if they would defeat the Russians and win the war for Ukraine.

The plane Had been carrying 10 and it had left Sheremetyevo airport at 6 p.m. local time and was heading to St. Petersburg but it later crashed in a forest area in the Tver region of Russia. Which was less than 100 miles from Moscow. When the news broke out that Yevgeny Prigozhin
Having passed away in a plane crash instantly, people started to speculate that Vladimir Putin had planned a hit on his ex-close friend but it has not been confirmed.
Many other speculations have arisen surrounding the death of the Wagner leader, with many people believing that someone else had ordered the death of Yevyegny or that he is still alive since the Wagner leader has a knack for disguises and Russia’s track record of not having the right facts when it comes to
Things like this. Even though Yevgeny did backstab the Kremlin, he did give his reaction stating, “I Knew [Yevgeny Prizgozhin] for a long time, since the early 1990s. He was a man with a complex destiny and he made serious mistakes in life.” Putin said that Prizgozhin was “ a Talented person and a talented businessman”. Later on, he would send his condolences to the families of the other people who perished in the plane crash.
He later stated that the allegations of him ordering the death of Prigozhin were an “absolute lie”. The Wagner Chief’s funeral was held on August 29, 2023, privately on the outskirts of his hometown of St. Petersburg, Russia. Many people were expecting to see the Russian president
pay his respects to his late ex-close friend. But there were no reported sightings of him at the funeral. From all of us here at the Owlfeed, we send our condolences to the people who perished in the plane crash and we hope this conflict can get resolved soon.