Beauty is not only skin deep, there is no such thing as perfection but because we live in a world where beauty is more important than anything else, we see people that are considered close to perfection and think we have to look like them. We worry so much about how we look we don’t ever think about what we have to offer personality-wise.
Body image nowadays is a huge issue for young girls, especially teenagers. As girls, we worry and obsess over the way that we look and how we are perceived by others, especially ourselves. Many studies prove that most young girls who struggle with body dysmorphia and body image problems in general turn to eating disorders and working out an unhealthy amount to achieve the “perfect body”. According to a study from “Eating Disorder Demographic Statistics”, eating disorders are a daily struggle for 10 million females and 1 million males in the United States as of right now. Many girls see these models or Barbies and think you have to be a big blue-eyed, blondie with a perfect body to be seen as attractive.

Every day we see people who go viral for being pretty on almost every social media platform whether that be Instagram, TikTok, or any other social media we may have. We look at these people and compare ourselves to them in every way possible just like how we would with Barbies when we were younger. I looked over an article, “Beauty is Only Skin Deep | Teen Ink”, that included the unrealistic expectations we developed as children. Bre Palmer, the writer of the article, talks about how Barbie is an unrealistic model for children, especially for young girls. I used to believe you had to look like the basic Barbie to be pretty because as little girls barbies are supposed to be our “role models”.
Overall, beauty goes beneath the surface and is more important than what you see when you look at a person. Beauty is not what you look like, beauty is who you are. Another article I’ve read, named “Essay about Is Beauty Only Skin Deep by Daizy Jassal”, said something I agree with, “Most people do not think to pay attention to the important characteristics that make and model a person.” It’s your personality and characteristics that make you who you are. Not your weight, height, clothes, etc. Your personality is what makes you different and lovable. I know some people like to say things like “love at first sight”, but is it love if you don’t know them? Love is just like beauty, it goes deeper than the surface. Overall, I stick to what I said, beauty is NOT only skin deep.