Over the past 4 years, Nicole Jacobs has been a student here at Agua Fria all 4 years of her high school years. From the beginning of COVID-19 to now, she has been a dedicated student pushing through all the hardships that have been thrown at her. She has been a strong student from the moment of Zoom meetings to now. Kind, smart, and funny, Nicole leaves this school knowing she puts smiles on many people’s faces. Out of everyone I’ve met this year, she was one of the best and it saddens many people to see her leave.
As of future endeavors, Nicole says that after she graduates she’s going to keep working and start working more than she does now. She has also made plans to go to Estrella Community College and finish up the classes she started during ACE. After she’s done with her associates Nicole wants to transfer to Northern Arizona University (NAU). Although Nicole is doing good in her classes, I asked her if she wished she did things differently and she said yes, “I wish I studied more”. She gave that piece of advice to the juniors who are becoming seniors next year. She said to focus on school and pay attention because the year will go by fast and it’s one of the hardest years to stay in school because you know you’re leaving. “Just focus on yourself, work, and your mental health,” Nicole says the best thing about being a senior is you get to leave once the year is over but the worst thing is how much stress there is whether it is working, school work or even figuring out where you’re going to college because that’s a standard a lot of people expect you to reach by this time. There’s a lot of pressure and you’re expected to know a lot. She said as long as you breathe and take your time with it, you got this!

Nicole has many hobbies, including video games, watching anime, and reading. Some of her favorite games include Fortnite, Valorant, and Roblox. One of Nicole’s favorite anime is a classic like Naruto which is the show that got her into anime. She loves to eat ramen and sit in the sun when it’s cold outside because she likes the way it warms her up. Nicole also has a dog named Nova who is 4 and a Maltese. She’s very playful, small, and nosy, “If I get up, she gets up with me. But I love my dog and that’s about it.” At the end of our interview, I asked Nicole what one of her favorite memories this year was. Nicole said most of this year was focusing on school and work, she said one of her favorite memories this year was when we first started journalism and writing the articles, she believed that it was a lot of fun.
Fortunately, during the span of the last year, I’ve gotten to know Nicole, a strong worker who divides her time between school and work. She’s one of the funniest people I know and I’ve met this year and I wish her all the best in her future. I know many people who would agree with me including one of her teachers Ms.Fowler. I got the chance to interview her too and all I got was positive comments and feedback. When asked what she thinks of Nicole, Ms. Fowler said,” I love Nicole. As soon as I met her, I realized she’s so funny and such a bright person.” She goes on to say how she believes a lot of her peers and friends like her because she’s nice, funny, and just a happy person overall. When commenting on her work ethic Ms. Fowler said that Nicole is super smart and takes on many challenges and is just overall a wonderful student. I asked Ms. Fowler what she

thinks some of Nicole’s best qualities are and she said,” I think Nicole’s best quality is the amount of grit she has, no matter how hard something is Nicole is so good at working through it.” I completely agree with this, no matter how hard anything hits Nicole she still works through it and tries her best. So, even though we are all sad to see Nicole leave, I wish her all the best of luck and am so happy I got the opportunity to get to know her this year.