The school record-breaking times for the 100m, 200m, 400m, 4x100m, and the 4x400m, Senior Stacey Onyepunuka has been a part of these running events here at Agua Fria during her involvement in the Track & Field program. But even though Stacey is seriously fast, there is so much passion inside of Stacey Onyepunuka and what she hopes to accomplish in the future as she looks back at her high school career as a student-athlete.
A baby senior (she will still be 17 when she graduates), Staecy Uchechukwu Onyepunuka is no baby when it comes to running. Stacey graciously accepted a full-ride Track Scholarship to the University of Kentucky, a Division 1 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) school.
Stacey has always known that she wanted to go out of state for college, so she is “excited to go on more journeys and meet new people”. Stacey’s unlimited commitment to the things she has set her mind to is exactly why she is someone everyone can look up to. As close friend Kalena Yonamine wants everyone to know that, “She deserves everything that she has gotten…she is going to kill it out there and she will do amazing”.
But before she left our owl nest, she was asked to reminisce on her time here at Agua Fria as a senior. She shares that the most fun thing after her senior year was: “Making new memories, I always thought of the ‘senior activities’ I would be able to do when I was younger, so it was cool getting to finally do them, it was a good experience to have”.

Stacey is the embodiment of what it means to be an owl at heart. Not only is her beautiful smile encapsulating, but so is her character. When Kalena was asked how she met Stacey, she remarked humorously, “I don’t know how I met her, but I do vividly remember a junior year in APUSH and she would not just stop yapping, and we just became friends because we were yapping.”
But one knows that one character is not just made, but is formed. Stacey would like to thank her sister, Agua Fria alumni Sabatiney Onyepunuka, for “always believing me, even in times when I doubted myself, she was always my support system and was always there to pick me right back up”.
Stacey is such an inspiring human being. Despite handling the challenges of being a full-time athlete and student, she always seamlessly made an impact on the lives of others. Her Track & Field Coach, Coach Espinoza, says, “Stacey was someone we could always count on…she was someone we can trust, always keeping it real with the athletes and coaches.” Albeit, when asked what is one thing he would want her to know before she graduates he comments, “It was an absolute pleasure to have you on the team and watching you grow up.”
Stacey will be studying Pharmaceuticals after high school. She advises those currently in high school to,

“Truly cherish the moments you have right now because high school does really go by fast. Make new friends, join clubs, join sports because that’s where you make those lifelong friends and you gain new experiences”.
One must take to heart these words and sentiments from Stacey. She is a kind and unique person to have in your life.; everyone should strive
to befriend a Stacey. We will miss you, and wish you the best in your future endeavors!