Meet Caroline Martin, a student here at Agua Fria. Caroline was a hardworking student here at Agua Fria and had a lot of fun. Caroline had so much fun as a senior and a lot to share about. She was on the badminton team during the fall of her senior year. She got the time to spend with her favorite people. She had so much fun while she learned from her mistakes together. Caroline was also in the musical this year.. She played Lucy in “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown”. She was great in the musical as she played the bully in the show. She always wanted to be involved in theater. Sometimes she thinks she spends more time in the theater than at her house!

She also reads a lot of books, one of her favorite things. Some of her favorites that she read this year are Hawthorn Brothers, the Inheritance Game Series, the Throne of Glass series, and many more stand-alone novels. She going to Eastern Arizona College in Thatcher, Arizona in the fall. She is going to study secondary education- English. Eventually getting her teacher’s license.

When she was a sophomore she thought that “senioritis” was just a myth and thought that it was dramatic, but in December of her Senior year, she finally felt the itis. Quote ” Struggling is easier when you know you aren’t alone, and when I realized it I found that I didn’t want to struggle anymore.” She’s more stressed about graduation than she is stressed. One thing that she would change during her senior year is staying positive. Trying to get into colleges and scholarships was stressful. Even when it doesn’t tend to work out in the end she takes it like a champ. Instead of all the stress she still had a ton of fun making new friends with classmates.
She also has some advice for later freshmen. Quote “Roll with the punches. It’s going to get hard no matter how much you prepare.” you’re going to struggle but it’s okay but not okay if you just give up after a few. She accomplished so much stuff through her 4 years such as top 5 percent in Academic achievement, being Best Thespian in the Agua Fria Theater Department, in the year 2022, Graduating with honors from NHS, 2 first place ribbons at the Agua Fria Art Show, the year of 2022, AP student of the month, the year of 2022.