A skeptic feels the need to question the belief in something or just have an overall doubt about that specific thing. Now, in the paranormal scene, there are plenty of those everywhere. I’ve met multiple and heard of many stories and shows that talk about skeptics and their experiences that changed their lives, and their beliefs or had no effects on them whatsoever, so here are a couple of good stories/shows. (This is not in order of how good I think the shows are)
- The Dead Files—Now, not every episode is about skeptics, but there are plenty of good ones, and overall, it’s a really good show.
- Ghost Hunters is another good show, I have not watched a lot of it but from a couple of seasons from random episodes, I have seen quite a lot of skepticism.
- 28 Days Haunted- Linked with the Ed and Lorraine Warren cases, this show includes many theories of their studies and investigations and has skeptics feature on it which makes it all the more interesting.
- Ghost Adventures- Investigations here and abroad, Zak Bagans meets many new people with different beliefs while investigating some of the scariest and most paranormal places on Earth.
- Destination Truth- This show is led by Josh Gates and his crew who go around the world investigating and researching paranormal encounters and unexplained activity.
That’s all I have, but if you’re really looking for skeptics I’d recommend that you watch The Dead Files, there are many seasons with a lot of different locations and stories of how people stopped being skeptics. Although I believe that overall it’s your belief and up to you I think hearing new stories and watching new shows about it can really change your idea of what is real and what’s not.

Shadowgate from Novara, ITALY, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons (Shadowgate from Novara, ITALY)

Jan Senderek jansenderek, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons (Jan Senderek jansenderek)