Mac and cheese will always be the best thing to eat on Thanksgiving hands down and deserves to be on the podium of your plates every year. Though people may not think of mac and cheese as part of a traditional Thanksgiving, they really should because it brings a sense of comfort, a tasteful flavor, and a few other aspects that some dishes can’t bring to your Thanksgiving table. Mac and cheese has an irresistible creamy, cheesy crunch that satisfies you as no other thing can. Though I will admit there are other tasty dishes out there like ham or turkey, few can undoubtedly match the richness of mac and cheese. Every single time, if you make the mac and cheese just right, you will accomplish a gooey and crunchy cheese mixed with perfectly cooked pasta that will create an ideal savory bite every single time. The variety of flavors and textures expands when eating mac and cheese which makes memories and Thanksgiving Day’s number 1 dish. Not a lot of people like turkey or stuffing but it’s hard to find people who wouldn’t even like mac and cheese. Mac and cheese might seem very simple but the dish can have a huge impact on families and their meals. There are even more types of flavors of mac and cheese you can make. For example, Cheetos mac and cheese is extremely delicious. The Cheetos mac and cheese also has a nice little crunch of cheesy chips running down to your stomach. So while there are plenty of amazing dishes on the Thanksgiving table, mac and cheese deserves a special place. Its a basically like a recipe thats been passed down from generation to generation. In the end mac and cheese is at the top and all the other Thanksgiving foods are at the bottom and I stand by it till this day.

Rdsmith4, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons