In today’s society specifically in America, we hear the term feminism a lot. so what does that mean? in 2024 in many high schools, jobs, homes, etc… the word feminism is used by men a lot of the time, they would think that being a feminist means to hate being a woman. In reality, feminism is for everyone who believes in women’s rights. whether it is your mom, sister, cousin, or, grandmother, no matter who it is, no matter what woman figure in your life it is, feminism was a word created to support them no matter if you’re a woman or a man.
Feminism is a word we use very often, especially in today’s society. We all create different meanings for it in various ways for different scenarios. It seems like nothing because, well, who would hear? Well, how we use the word can impact how we go about those scenarios. Most people, when thinking or using the word “Feminism” often think about the purity of a woman, and although that can be true in some form or another… by the dictionary the word stands for a certain approach based on equality or equity involving gender roles.
We have seen this before a lot, on social media and with different protests all around the world. One of the main ones that has stuck out has always been the freedom of women and their rights and their protests in the late 19th century (1800-1900). “The Suffrage Movement” `which was fighting for the right to vote in national or local elections. This is how a lot of people remember any mention of “women’s rights”, those who fought for us and we need to bring that up again and expand it.

National Museum of American History, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Originally published in April of 2013, a Ted Talk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie talks all about what this word means. Her Ted Talk “We Should All Be Feminists”, starts interestingly. That is being called a feminist is NOT a compliment, feminists to men mean that they are miserable because they can’t find a husband. Adichie as an African woman started calling herself a “Happy African Feminist” to fit in and make sure people know she does not hate men, who like makeup and clothes but for herself and not men. This is a powerful statement, she does it for herself and not for men. In this society, men always think everything is for THEM. This is not reality at all, Women are some of the most independent people out there, they endure so many difficulties and struggles.
Maybe some women think like that but it brings the independence of women who own it down, she goes on to talk about her background and her upbringing, her experiences with the word “feminism”. Adichie wraps it u by saying “But, in addition to being angry, I’m also hopeful”, meaning even though anger is understandable there is hope in standing for what you believe in because you as a human have the opportunity to have an opinion and do something with that opinion when the time is right.
I have interviewed a close friend of mine, and her mind is truly so interesting, she is a helpful person and has the great ability to see everyone’s points of view in any good or bad situation. Isabella Fuentes has strong opinions about this topic; she starts by speaking about “it is the meaning of wanting equal, not more when it comes to rights” This is what we’ve been speaking about. It is about EQUAL share not ONE deserving more than the other.

Zaddica, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Overall feminism has impacted the way the world sees women, it will probably be a long way from now when we can come together and realize the wrongs of that, but for now, all we can do is offer understanding, for the women who fought for the rights, and for the women that are trying to live it now.