On December 4th, 2025 a tragic and heartbreaking event occurred in New York. The CEO of the American Health Insurance Company (United Health Care) since 2021 was shot and killed in Midtown Manhattan. Brian Thompson was in New York to attend an annual investor meeting for the UnitedHealthcare Group. The culprit of this unforgettable shooting was a man by the name of Luigi Mangione. He was arrested on December 9th, 2024 and authorities arrested 26-year-old Luigi Mangione in Altoona, Pennsylvania as there was a manhunt for the shooter/murder of Brian Thompson. They charged him in Manhattan court with Thompson’s killing. Police say Luigi Mangione was carrying a 3D Printed pistol and a 3D printed suppressor which was used in the shooting. He was also carrying a short written letter criticizing the American healthcare system along with a passport and multiple fraudulent IDs. The police also mention that Luigi Mangione’s fingerprints were also seen near the crime scene where the shooting took place (His fingerprints were found on a water bottle and a protein bar near the shooting and were matched back to Luigi Mangione). When Brian Thompson died the American health Insurance company (UnitedHealthcare) was the largest health insurer in the United States.
UnitedHealthcare has faced a lot of criticism and complaints from a lot of citizens in the U.S. about the lack of healthcare insurance. So Luigi Mangione had to have some type of motive obviously if he were the person to do this tragic event. Luigi Mangione was filed with four charges (murder in first degree in furtherance of terrorism, Two counts of murder second degree) which made him eligible for the death penalty if he were to be convicted. He is currently being held in federal custody at Metropolitan Detention Center Brooklyn waiting for his preliminary hearing set for January 18th, 2025. High-ranking attorney Karen Friedman Agnifilo in Manhattan’s district attorney’s office for years will be representing Mangione with her law firm Agnifilo Intrater LLP. This was confirmed by CBS News. and the tragedy is being discussed around the United States as this is something huge. Some people are still convinced that Luigi Mangione didn’t even commit the crime of shooting the UnitedHealthcare Ceo because “It doesn’t make sense”. Whether he did or didn’t do it this is very unfortunate and should never happen to a human being. Brian Thompson had brought so much to the company to be murdered.