By: Kayla Robinson
OwlFeed Journalist
As first semester came to an end, so did single semester classes. While there’s always a chance to sign up again, there’s also a chance to try new things and meet new people, just like the fresh, cool, and hip people trying Journalism I this year. Watch out, Agua Fria, there’s a new OwlFeed journalist on campus and his name is Jacob Anderson.
Last year Jacob was at a loss on what to choose for his next elective. There were plenty of options on the roster, but he decided to try something different with journalism.
Now, Jacob Anderson is a lifestyle reporter specializing in gaming. His amazing people skills and even better writing skills only help to better his place in the Mr. Jovanelly’s classroom.
“I like to write as a hobby. I’m told I’m very good at it,” he said during an interview when asked why he chose journalism, “and I was thinking of having a career in journalism.” Journalism I is the best place to test his skills in that field.
The fact that we sat outside in the cold watching pigeons fight over a bread crumb only for him to go out again for another interview proves how dedicated this Owl truly is.
When asked what his favorite class is, he said, “My favorite subject is German.” He went on to quickly add, “or journalism.” Although, when asked who his favorite teacher was, he didn’t hesitate to admit it was Mr. Collins.
“I like post-apocalyptic games,” he told me, when moving on to the subject of gaming. “I’m very interested in the concept of the end of the world.”
When asked what his favorite game was he said Fallout. “But I want to play Bioshock,” he added, proving that he had good taste.
But gaming is not the only thing Jacob is interested in. Jacob went on to tell me about his love of writing, drawing, and making model cars.
“I’ll draw anything,” he said, “but mostly animals and landscape.”
When asked what he liked to write, Jacob explained that fiction is his favorite genre, but occasionally he does dabble in nonfiction. With five siblings, three dogs, and two cats, one can only wonder how he finds the time.
Apart from journalism, Jacob considered culinary and engineering careers. “There are lots of options,” he told me. After high school, Jacob wants to go to Washington Technical School to pursue his dreams.