By: Robert Reilly
OwlFeed Journalist
Meet Isaac Alonzo Vera, who is a senior at Agua Fria High School, and he is 18 years old. Isaac recently moved to Arizona, from Everett, Washington, in the beginning of his senior year. He moved to Arizona for a few reasons.
One reason being that his dad had problems living in cold weather, and it was super cold in Washington. “Even in summer, it was never higher than 50 degrees,” Isaac said. Another reason being, “My parents felt like it was time to move after being there for 30+ years, and also the Arizona weather attracted them. They wanted to move to a warmer place.”
Isaac’s favorite artists are Frank Ocean and Kanye West. His favorite album by Frank Ocean is called Blonde “The album literally changed the way I feel about emotions and I could really relate to the album, Frank Ocean really brought my realization together,” he said. The album consists of 17 songs and his other favorite album is called Yeezus, which has 10 songs and his favorite song off of the album is called Guilt Trip.
When asked what he wanted to do after high school, he replied, “I really want to know what it would be like to be a nurse, and if that does not work out, then I would like to be a clothing designer,” he said. “I would like to be a nurse because I have always been fond of helping people, so if there is a job where you help people and get paid to help them, count me in!” He also said, “I want to be a fashion designer because I want to make clothes that reflect how I feel for the day or for the occasion.”
When asked about why he wanted to be a clothing designer, he said he basically has a passion for clothes, for example he will spend all his money on a shirt because he likes it that much.
Isaac is currently a Lifestyle Reporter in Mr. Jovanelly’s Journalism class. He said he wanted to be in Lifestyle because he wanted to write about clothing design.
When asked how he would change the world, he said, “There is too much negativity in the world, so I would try to make things more positive. Also, a lot of people assume really bad things on people with not a lot of money, so I would try to change how people that are not wealthy are viewed by others.”
If you see Isaac around, do not be afraid to say hello!