How to Make the Most Out of Quarantine
April 15, 2020
Governor Doug Ducey and Superintendent Kathy Hoffman have officially shut down school for the rest of the year, and although this is devastating news there are many ways to make the most of this quarantine. This is definitely a tough transition for most of us, but I will be going over techniques and tips on how to stay healthy emotionally and ways to make the most out of the time you have in your hands.
It is so important to stay active. Do not stay in your bed all day, do not stay inside your 4 walls all day. If you do not like physical exercise take a walk around your neighborhood, or go in the sun for at least 30 minutes. This is the first step towards increased productivity and healthier habits.
Ahnise Chaira, a junior at Agua Fria, lives by staying active. She does daily CrossFit workouts, and she has been going hiking and bike riding frequently as well. “I do it [CrossFit] every day at 4:30. Maintaining this schedule has helped me stay motivated to do it,” Chaira said.
Chaira says that she wants to walk out of this quarantine physically and mentally stronger. “This virus has changed my regular day-to-day life, but I am looking at it in a positive light,” Chaira said.
Chaira encourages everyone to create a set schedule for every day. “The Coronavirus took my schedule away from me and so many things changed, but after creating a new schedule that went around everything I’m doing now, I became much more productive through cleaning, working out, spending time with family, stuff like that.”
Clearing your mind is also a very important form of self-care, especially during the quarantine. I suggest writing your thoughts down, whether it is on a piece of paper or even in your notes app. Personally, I love keeping a journal. It is very therapeutic and it helps get any anxieties or stresses off your chest.
Lily Manning, a junior at Agua Fria, talks about her personal experience with journaling. “Writing whatever is on my mind helps me so much, it feels very therapeutic,” she said.

Manning talks about other activities like painting, cleaning, and getting sun as great ways to stay healthy mentally and physically. “Give yourself a break sometimes and take advantage of this time at home,” Manning said.
If you are not a fan of writing your thoughts down, I suggest talking to someone about your day — journal buddies I should say. It is extremely important to stay in contact with classmates and friends. Staying isolated and being anti-social will only make your quarantine time more miserable and unproductive.
Destiny Trinh, a junior at Agua Fria, also shares her quarantine routine. She said, “I’ve been face-timing my friends daily to make sure I am keeping up with everyone during this time.”
Besides communicating with her friends, Trinh also follows her own self-care habits. “I am personally obsessed with skincare products so I have been relaxing with my face masks. Also since the salons are closed, I have been doing my own nails to make sure they don’t look too bad.”
If you are at home do not be afraid to pamper yourself. This is the perfect time to focus on clearing your skin, eating healthier and looking your best.
Trinh encourages everyone to look on the brighter side of quarantine. She said, “Get some fresh air and try new things. I personally recommend cooking.”
Trinh says that she will continue exploring her hobbies, eating what she craves and making what she wants during this quarantine time.
Coronavirus has been a turning point for everyone, but instead of dwelling on what we cannot fix, let’s focus on what we can control. If you do not walk out of this quarantine with new goals met, and new hobbies explored, it wasn’t that you never had time but that you never had the discipline.
Let’s make the most of this quarantine. Stay active, stay healthy, stay clean, and stay home!