Senior Goodbye: What Can I Say About High School? I Laughed. I Cried. It Was Fun.

Raheemat Alade, OwlFeed Editor-in-Chief

Wow, I can’t believe it’s already the end of my high school journey. And just like everyone, I too felt like I just started high school a few months ago when in reality it was four years ago.

To be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with high school. It brought out my best moments and my worst, but I honestly would never go back and change a thing about it.

I can still remember my first time stepping on campus, and boy was it a nerve-wracking moment. But I thank the teachers, staff, and even upperclassmen who gave me advice and motivation to hold on for the rest of my high school career and even for the rest of my life.Ā 

Sophomore year was the year I started to finally realize that I need to prepare for my future. I was so determined to be the best student I could be and have the best friends, and this perfect life in order to be successful. And thankfully it didn’t go that way.Ā 

I started losing friends and had my first panic attack over my grades too. Some of yā€™all might say, ā€œOh my god Ray, that is something you should not be happy about,ā€ but I am happy that it happened.

It was a real wake-up call for me to stop living my life for others and do stuff out of my comfort zone.Ā 

I went to a leadership camp with random people I’ve never met, then I joined the student council and finally had the courage to accept that grades don’t define me, but my actions and personality do.Ā 

I also learned that people will come in and out of your life and that’s OK because Iā€™m only in high school and had so much more time to meet so many other people.

This is why I want to thank all the people who Iā€™ve met in high school and my best friends. You might not know but just talking to you guys and having you all support me is the greatest thing ever and always made me feel special even if it was so small.Ā 

Next, junior year was fun and I wish it was longer but, you know, Covid happened and I had to finish the year online. Dur

Photo Credit: Raheemat Alade

ing this year I discovered my love for journalism, anime, and kpop and I am truly grateful for that.

Even though I have no desire to become a journalist in the future I will never forget the amazing experiences I had in that class, so thank you Mr. Jovanelly, Lauren, Bella, Carlos, Elijah, and so many other people for being one of the few reasons for me not to drop out. šŸ™‚Ā 

I want to especially thank my journalism partner in crime, Big Boss B (you know who you are). Thanks for putting up with my rants and making me laugh.Ā 

Unfortunately, online schooling did carry itself onto the next year and boy was that a rollercoaster!Ā 

Even though senior year wasnā€™t how I dreamed it, I still made some crazy memories that I could tell stories about to my future grandkids ā€” thatā€™s if I have kids lol.Ā 

Senior year finally made me feel at a place at school, I was trying new things and meeting new people.

I am grateful for Rotary International and Interact Club for opening so many opportunities for me and my future and I will forever be grateful for the lessons I learned while being a part of the organization.

I also want to thank all my teachers who had to put up with my crazy self over the four years, especially Ms. Schober, who no matter what year or subject I somehow would always be in your class, ALL FOUR YEARS. LOL.Ā 

I also canā€™t forget about Athletic training. Thank you both Fernie and Mr. Lewis for always being a great support system as well as being awesome trainers. I enjoyed the countless late-night games and early morning tournaments. And I definitely canā€™t forget the training room tea, too.Ā 

Coming from a middle school where I didnā€™t feel at place to coming to Agua Fria where I was loved and accepted was definitely the boost I needed to enter college.Ā 

Photo Credit: Raheemat Alade

I am happy for all the dumb mistakes Iā€™ve made and all the dumb moments I created and heck even all my dumb crushes Iā€™ve had. I donā€™t regret a thing in high school and I mean, yeah, Iā€™ve had embarrassing moments but Iā€™ve grown and learned.Ā 

Freshman year Ray would have definitely been proud of senior year Ray. She would have been grateful that senior year Ray finally grew a pair and is now a bright ray of sunshine.Ā 

But let me end this goodbye with this:Ā 

ā€œKnock Knockā€ ā€œWhoā€™s there?ā€ ā€œIā€™mā€ ā€œIā€™m Who?ā€ ā€œIā€™m Out!ā€