Life is a Ballgame with Kaden Kinworthy


Photo credit: Kaden Kinworthy

Caden Desoto, OwlFeed Lifestyle Editor

As the time for graduation comes near, one of Agua Fria’s many promising students, and baseball players, Kaden Kinworthy, admits to having feelings of anxiety as high school years come to an end. He admits to feeling worried about being able to walk or not, but who can blame him? Now that school is finished, his future is just starting, so now he has to put all 12 years of education to the test.

As his education comes to an end, Kinworthy feels that after 12 years of education, he has learned so much in and out of the classroom which he considers crazy as his time in school didn’t seem that long. Kaden also considers his time in high school to be the time when he matured the most, starting his freshman year by thinking he knew more than he did. Over time, Kinworthy realized that the things he thought he knew were much different and required more experience. Now, with more experience and knowledge, Kinworthy can take on any of his past challenges with confidence.

Photo credit: Kaden Kinworthy

During his sophomore year, Kinworthy was moving around a bit and had to switch from one campus to another before landing here in Agua Fria. Kinworthy considers this year to be one of his better years as it’s where he managed to fit in the most and started taking school more seriously. But Kinworthy considered his senior year to be the best, and not just because he can take in the fact that it’s his last year, but because it’s the year he managed to plan out his future. Since graduation is around the corner, he put in the effort to figure out what he wants to do with his life. Thankfully he has much better plans than staying home all day, his goals are somewhat admirable.

Kaden Kinworthy believes that one important thing in high school is taking part in sports or some other school activities, it’s the best way to spend your years and create the best memories. Growing up an Angels fan, Kinworthy enjoyed playing on the ballfield and found himself playing on the infield. As he entered the Agua Fria Owls baseball team his Junior year, Kinworthy found himself playing anywhere from the outfield to the pitcher’s mound. Despite some good and bad games, Kinworthy finished his high school years as an Owl’s baseball player. During his free time, Kinworthy also enjoys golf and a bit of football, and while not seen doing so, Kinworth also takes the time to draw and enjoys music. Even takes the time to make some music of his own, although it’s unlikely he’ll make much dedication to a music career.

Photo credit: Kaden Kinworthy

Over the years Kaden Kinworthy managed to overcome his challenge of struggling in sports and school by taking the time to study, participate, and be on time. Kinworthy wants to appreciate those he considers supportive of his education, like friends, counselors, and teachers. Some people might not miss school, but when asked if he’d miss it, Kinworthy stated “Yes, anybody can probably say no. But you’ll miss anyone you knew, the opportunities. Miss the good memories.” Kaden has plans on attending the University of Grand Canyon for a nursing major, while also intending to enlist in the army. For those who are just starting, the best advice Kaden can give is to stay focused in the classroom. Kinworthy can’t stress it enough to take part in sports and activities with friends but always put grades first if you want a good future. To Kaden Kinworthy, may you have the best of luck in the future.