A New Beginning: Ruben “Pacxman” Garcia

Photo Credit: David Espinoza
May 8, 2023
“In order to change the past you must first live in the present”- Ruben Garcia
It’s here seniors, the end of high school. It’s crazy how fast time went by. It seems like yesterday you were just freshmen. It’s time to start your life in the real world, and it won’t be easy, but remember that you got this. It’s time to be in high spirits and continue and strive to be your best self. You guys have all your life ahead of you so make sure every decision counts. The Seniors here at Agua Fria will be graduating on the 20th of May. Someone who will be walking across the stage at that graduation is Ruben “Pacxman” Garcia. Ruben is known all over school and can be seen as a leader, student athlete, and role model. He is the oldest of four brothers and takes pride in being there for others. Ruben is selfless, courageous, and intelligent. He is overall just a great guy. Ruben Garcia was born in Atlanta Georgia, and was raised in Arizona.

Ruben Garcia desires to be a fitness influencer, as he wants to influence people to work on their health to better themselves. What keeps him going every day is friends and family; just being there supporting them in their goals is enough. He shows up 100% every day for himself and his family. He strives to be the best he can be. Someone who’s made a big impact on Rubens life is David Goggins, a motivational speaker. David Goggins is a motivational speaker who preaches about rebuilding yourself for the better. The way he speaks and motivates people to be the best version of themselves is what Ruben admires about him. The coolest sophomore he knows is Jay Cook (that’s me!). Ruben and I have been friends since freshman year. Some hobbies Ruben has are working on his truck, playing football, enjoying time with family and friends, eating, and going to the gym. In 5 years Ruben strives to see himself with his Journeyman Electricians License and getting hired by the best companies, possibly getting into other trades and becoming his own contractor all while helping those in need get to where they want to be in life. Some advice he has for underclassmen is to stay true to yourself and keep your circle tight. He says anybody who brings you negativity, keep them out of your life. Some more advice is don’t let your wants distract you from your needs. A little quote for you guys on your journey from Ruben himself, “It’s never the end of anything, Just the beginning of something new”.