Agua Fria has always had a lot of variety in activities and plays so let’s take a deep dive into a new play ” Can I Tell You a Secret? ” where I talk about The Spook level and the interaction level with the audience and what goes on behind the scenes while rehearsing.
November 7th on a Thursday the play took place in the Agua Fria auditorium, the play starts off as if the characters were explaining a documentary following interviews of the tragedy of a high school play where everyone oddly fell asleep. The play goes on to describe how everything started and the people involved soon revealing that the reason many fell asleep was due to mysterious creatures taking over. Sitting in the audience the speakers talk about “the play was a trap”. The play was focused on a play that turned out to be a trap. The characters continued to go into the audience and even the audience was interactive and part of the play itself! The most interesting part about this play was that it gave the illusion of the possibility this could have been real but not a play.
Melani Boatright, my best friend who plays a character that had an important role towards the end invites us to say that tensions were high while rehearing and that it was very different than the plays she’s ever been in! Melani is an amazing actor in her plays and has come so far, if you come to a play here at Agua Fria…check if she’s in there!

Actors on stage (Zoe Perez)