Back in 2021 when the world went crazy over the Korean show Squid Game, season 1 was all over the world reaching all the areas of the United States and countries outside. Now that it has been 3 years since season 2 came out, there have been new theories surrounding all platforms, the only question is…can we debunk them?

Triplecaña, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
How Did We Get Our Frontman?
Player 001 also known as the frontman who came as a player after Red Light Green Light, when we look back on season 1 where Hwang Jun-Ho (frontman’s younger brother) goes through all the archives when he disguises himself as a guard, we see that these games have been going on for a long time. Back in Squid Game 2015, the winner was Hwang In-ho (Frontman). This leads viewers to believe that is the way he became The Frontman.
- Squid Game Invitation Card
How players get invited in both seasons 1 and two is that the Salesman plays a game of ddakji with the chosen people. At the end of the game, he hands the soon-to-be players a card with a Circle, Triangle, and Square (which also are the different ranks of the Pink Guards), although people have talked about the number on the back of the cards and if they have anything to do with previous winners. In season two the invitation card was given to the character Lee Myung-gi, the first 3 numbers on the card are 456, and if you have watched the show, player 456 (Seong Gi-hun), is the winner in season 1 who has come back to stop the game.
The Dolls
Red light, green light doll, also known as Young-hee now has a so-called “boyfriend” named Cheol-su who appears at the end of Squid game season 2 in the last episode. This has brought a lot of different ideas of what the next game may be. This has also caused tons of controversies that the next game is “Jack and Jill”, this is based on a nursery game. “The belief is that players will have to pair up and bring water up and down to fill up something at the end.” Since this game involves going up a hill and coming back down, there has been a realization that it is not the game. Instead a game called “Dongdaemun” where players must pass through an “arch” made of two layers putting their hands together above. They sing a song and once the song stops, it traps the players that are left under the arch. This has made more sense for people since Cheol-su has a train light by him, this leads them to believe it will be that game with a combination of green light and red light since the games are based on childhood Korean games.
What’s Next?
Season 3 has been said to be out during 2025, not a specific month or date but some people have projected for it to be June 2025. Squid Game 1 was released in 2021 and it took 3 years for Squid Game 2 to come out, so people hope that it doesn’t take as much time. Since Tiktok is the place for all popular shows, specifically the Squid game account has been posting Has been posting many different interviews from each of the characters just really talking about how it felt to be one of the characters, especially since watching the first season a lot of them describe the job being very hard emotionally depending on the character that they were playing but overall they all expressed a sense that the next season third season is going to wow all of us so there is a lot to expect from all these theories we can make up things in our head but we won’t really know until the season comes out hopefully in the summer of 2025
Since then though a lot of people have been talking about season 2 and two different ways. one of them being that it is one of the best I can see this that they’ve seen but a lot of people say that it doesn’t begin to compare to the first season, the first season is great games were very tense and especially very new which is part of the reason that people say can compare although a lot of people do think that the second season just brought more emotion.
A very interesting perspective from one of my friends and journalist Elena is that publicity really matters. With Season 1 a lot of people already knew what characters were going to die and only watched them for the cast mostly coming from other K-dramas.
Overall even though a lot of people think that season 1 was more tense and nerve-wracking and just tiny little factors. Although, for views and for the people watching it Elena does say that a cliffhanger is always better and always brings in more people for season 3. It does make sense that they would break this up like they did because it has been 3 years since season 1 so we should expect more from the next season that’s coming up and Squid Game season 2 so make sure to go out there and watch it and let me know your own opinion are the theories calling out to you what season is better what can you expect.