The Seahawks have been fighting for their very own spot in the Super Bowl to try and get their second trophy. The Seahawks are currently 8-5 and this weekend they are going to compete against the Packers which are going to be a tough but roughly equal opponent for the Seahawks. The past few games have been amazing for the Seahawks and going back to week eleven, the Seahawks played the 49ers which were the team predicted to crush the Seahawks. The teams were fighting with all they had and it came down to twelve seconds on the clock, the 49ers were up by 5 and they needed to prevent the Seahawks from getting the final touchdown of the game. Geno Smith, the Quarterback for the Seahawks had a brilliant idea and he decided to run the ball himself for twelve yards, obtaining the game-winning touchdown and lending the Seahawks their fifth win of the season.
The next weekend the Seahawks played the Cardinals and the Seahawks came out on top 16-6. Coby Bryan, a defensive player for the Seahawks was able to get a pick-six from sixty-nine yards while Jaxon Smith was given a three-yard pass from Geno Smith to get the first touchdown of the game.

Seattle Seahawks, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The following week the Seahawks played the Jets and won 26- 21 with the help of Leonard Williams was able to get a 92-yard interception, as well as Charbonnet’s late Touchdown run to help the Seahawks lead by 26. Overall this game was very good and was such a competitive and downright amazing game to watch. The offenses were on point with almost every play and the Seahawks’ defense shined bright this game.
The next week we played the Cardinals where we annihilated them thirty to eighteen with the Seahawks running back running a career-high 134 yards and tallying up two touchdowns to lead the Seahawks. This man has been dealing for us and he has proven himself as one of the best running backs in the NFL right now. Overall, the Seahawks have been a group of unstoppable players and this season they have been nothing but spectacular. With a phenomenal running back, great defense, and wonderful Quarterback, this team will go quite far compared to many other teams that decide to get in their way.