Since Christmas is coming around the corner, many families will begin with their annual traditions. I’ll go over my family traditions and also a good friend of mine, Alex’s family traditions.

Bronzino, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
To begin with, on the day of Christmas Eve, my family will begin with any preparations needed for the food for Christmas day. We will go out and get some HoneyBaked ham, make some mashed potatoes and rolls, and we will also get some tamales as well which are personally my favorite. All day long, we will watch Christmas movies and enjoy time with everyone around us. We won’t have any special meals on Christmas Eve for we will wait to do everything special on Christmas Day. Then comes the night of Christmas Eve, where we will unbox one present, which is guaranteed to be pajamas. We will put them on and then right after, we will say goodnight and fall asleep, ready for the next morning. When the kids wake up, they will wake up everyone in the house and we’ll go to the tree and start unwrapping presents right away. After the unwrapping, we’ll eat the ham for breakfast with mashed potatoes and all of that. Not long after, we’ll head to the movies and after that, come home to play games, have fun, hang out, and get ready to eat tamales for dinner. Overall, that is all that takes place, and not much otherwise from that. It is a very chill and relaxing Christmas and has been the same since I was born.

William Warby, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons (William Warby)
Now, moving on to Alex, who has traditions of his own. He and his family will begin the day of Christmas Eve where he and his family get together and eat prime rib and hang out together while playing games. Then, at midnight, everyone will get around the tree and start opening the presents, starting with the youngest, and moving up. After the family is done opening the presents, they will then play a game where they will take turns rolling dice and unwrapping a massive ball of Saran wrap that holds extra gifts inside. The prizes consist of smaller things like dollar bills, gift cards, and note cards that allow the person to pick a surprise gift that remains under the tree.
Overall, there are many differences between my family’s and his family’s traditions, but we both spend time with family and that is the whole idea of Christmas.