Squid Games season two came out about a month ago and it has been one of the most watched and hyped shows since then, simply because of the gut-wrenching and horrid cliffhanger that it left the viewers on. So many people have been trying to guess what the next three games will be and who will survive them, but recently some very great conclusions have come from the games and we may know what the next games will look like based on the first season.
Now, at the end of the season 2 last episode, we got to see a sneak peek at the fourth game, which has the red light green light doll machine, so we can easily assume that red light and green light are the game. Yet that is not all that we were able to see in that specific episode, a few seconds later a new doll machine that we had never seen before appeared and it was a boy doll with a bowl cut, looking at the girl doll from the other side of the room. Now we know for sure that red light and green light will play some type of role in this game not only because of the girl doll that we saw at the beginning of the games in both seasons but also because there is literally a light that represents a train track light and it has only two colors on it, red and green. This detail provides insight into one-half of what the game is going to consist of. The other doll matching on the other hand is one we’ve never seen before but other speculators have “decrypted” what they think he will do. He was added mostly as a guard and his game is combined with hers, leading to the game played in Korea quite often, and it’s called Dongdaemun. This game requires a train track, and the lights are signals for the players to run and stop like we’ve seen before.

The next game speculated is going to be human chess, this game is going to have the players act as pieces of a chess board, and anyone who gets knocked out by another piece/players, player knocked out will die. It is quite simple and just imagine playing chess but with real people as the pieces.
Now, the last game has been split into two games, people are speculating it may be the same old squid game but I believe that Monkey Bars will be played for sure, as either the fifth or sixth game. Now this version of Monkey Bars is not for sure known how the rules may be played out but it is similar to the glass windows seen in season one. Except instead of the wrong glass tiles, it’s just monkey bars and you have to swing your way across and if you fall, you fall to your death.
Overall, these are the predictions for the next three games and we are still not sure exactly if these are what the games may hold for us in the future.