OPINION: We’re Not Overreacting — Social Distancing Is Saving Lives
March 26, 2020
With the coronavirus gaining more attention by the day, I am sure at one point, we asked ourselves, “Is this an overreaction?”
I believe that it is not entirely an overreaction. We are taking the necessary steps to slow down the major spread of the Covid-19 virus. These include social distancing and staying in our own homes.
But, just a few weeks ago, the world was moving on as usual. Many were going to their jobs, running errands and going to public events. This quickly changed when more confirmed cases started breaking out throughout the world. Most notably Italy and the United Kingdom.
We have seen almost all sports leagues canceled. Even our school year has been on hold. Major gatherings have been frowned upon by governments. We commonly see these things as bigger than life. For me, these closures have made me realize that this is real and we all need to work together to help each other out.
Our age group may not be in great danger from the Covid-19 virus, but if we contract the virus we become a carrier. We can spread the virus even more. It has been reported that we can go up to 14 days without even noticing the symptoms. We come in contact with a lot of people within 14 days. That is why it is recommended that we stay inside and avoid contact.
We are all or at least we should be engaged in social distancing. This is not just a phrase that everyone is mentioning all over the internet. This is the major step that will help us slow down the spread. Social distancing will cut down our daily interactions and drastically reduce our exposure.

If we were to see an overreaction to the Covid-19 virus, it is people who are hoarding a lot of supplies that many people need. These supplies can range from toilet paper, to food, to cleaning supplies. This has become an issue because the people who are hoarding are taking away supplies from people who actually need these supplies. People who ran out of these supplies and just simply need to get some more.
I asked for a few opinions on the panic. Current phlebotomist Juliana Caballero thinks that the Covid-19 virus has made her job hard and has made her very alert and cautious when working. Juliana said, “What is going on right now is making my job harder than usual and we have to work safer than ever before.” You can see the effects it has on the daily life of Juliana. This also applies to other people around the world.
We should take this time to stay in our homes. If you have nothing to do at home pick up a new hobby, read a book or start watching a new show. We all should keep this trend of social distancing to keep the spread of Covid-19 at a low rate.