Dedicated Sydnee Messerschmidt Seen As Role Model on Campus
May 6, 2020
Sydnee Messerschmidt — a name probably familiar to most of you. Maybe you’ve seen her around, in a class, in the halls, at her theatre shows and at school events.
Sydnee is one of the many seniors a part of Agua Fria’s class of 2020. Sydnee has accomplished many things during her time at Agua Fria. She has participated in ROTC during her sophomore year, the swim team and has performed in various theatre shows.
This is a lot to handle and makes time management hard, Sydnee said. “Swimming and theatre is a lot… every day after my activities I would make sure all my school work was completed before I even thought of relaxing.”
Sydnee is clearly very dedicated to what she does. She is very proud of her work ethic and how she gets tasks done.
She is most proud of what she’s accomplished. However, Sydnee is always looking for ways to improve, saying, “I am proud that I’ve been able to come this far, but there is always more that I can improve on.”
She thinks it is best to improve the energy she gives to her activities and even helping the people around her. “Whether that be devoting more time and energy to the things I love, or helping those around me,” she said.
One of Sydnee’s biggest accomplishments has been being an Arizona State Thespian Officer. This is because she is able to help people, organize events and teach people skills. Sydnee said, “I’m able to serve others and plan events.”

In return she has also been able to learn new skills that will definitely have some useful impact in her daily life. “It’s helped me build teamwork skills and taught me when you work hard enough, good things do come,” she said.
According to Sydnee, sophomore year was her favorite year at Agua Fria due to many reasons. These include maturing a bit, getting used to how things work, working hard and getting out of her comfort zone. “I wasn’t a freshman anymore and I got a hang on everything going on,” Sydnee said.
This year was the year that she went out of her comfort zone and tried many new things. Her sophomore year Sydnee got the lead role in Legally Blonde as Elle Woods. She was also on the swim team. “I was in a fall show as well as swimming every day and trying to qualify and better my times for swim,” she said.
This led to her being able to manage her time and be more efficient in what she loves doing. Sydnee said, “This taught me so much about balancing and managing my time.”
Sydnee also spent some time in the ROTC program at Agua Fria. Through this she met new people and was able to be more open with others. “I was also in ROTC which helped me get out of my comfort zone and I also got to meet so many amazing people!” she said.
Sydnee described herself in three words: dedicated, determined and ambitious. These three words seem to fit her perfectly because she is always working hard and moving towards her goals.
When Sydnee graduates she will be attending Northern Arizona University and has selected to double major in theatre and psychology. “I want to perform in musicals or be a criminal psychologist,” she said.
Many people have spent a lot of time with Sydnee, one of them being Diana Alfaro. Diana is also in theatre and works with Sydnee a lot.
“I love working with Sydnee, she always brings energy to people backstage and makes working on things easier and more enjoyable,” Diana said. “She also is really nice and always helps out where she can.”
Additionally, another person who has spent time with Sydnee has been Ms. Secor, Sydnee’s swim coach and teacher. Ms. Secor thinks that Sydnee is very determined and also gives other students a role model to look up to.
“She is a go-getter and hard working student athlete and she is a role model to other student athletes on our team,” Ms. Secor said.
Sydnee also helps out a lot on the swim team, Ms. Secor said, “Sydnee is also very kind and was super helpful with our guppie swimmers. She really knows how to talk with her peers and was always willing to show a new member of the team the ropes!” Sydnee is all about helping others and improving what they do.
Syndee Messerschmidt has enjoyed her time at Agua Fria and everything she has done here but is excited to move on and get started pursuing her future career at Northern Arizona University.