Kamille Sullivan’s Never-Ending Enegry Brings Joy to Many
May 6, 2020
Throughout the years, Agua Fria has had its fair share of senior classes. But none can quite match up to the class of 2020.
And within the bright class of 2020, none stand out brighter than Kamille Sullivan.
Kamille first came into high school thinking that it was hectic, but that wouldn’t stop her from joining programs.
She did not regret that decision. She was involved in sports, Student Council, Owls After-Hours tutoring and Link Crew.
Sullivan has been all around campus with her involvement in all sorts of things. She always brings a bright and eccentric energy to everything she does.
Her senior friend and fellow AFHS student, Jordan Fairchild, describes her as “passionate, friendly, genuine, intelligent and driven.”
Sullivan has been a great role model for many people on campus, including her own friend Jordan.
Sullivan believes that being so involved has helped her with her communication skills and has taught her how to love people in general. She also thinks that being involved in activities in high school shouldn’t have a stigma around it and is actually a good thing.
Sullivan says her most memorable events from Agua Fria have to be all of the Homecomings, especially her senior one because of how hard the Student Council worked on it to make it special.
She said that her most impactful events had to be the state conferences she went to for three years. She said, “Those conferences aren’t something that can be given justice in words, they provide so much in the short two and a half day conferences and I was honored to go.”
Sullivan originally played sports until her sophomore year when she was sidelined by an ACL tear. “Since then, I’ve migrated back to my roots and I’ve started writing a lot more,” she said. :Having sports taken away made me more well-rounded as an individual because I focused on skills that were more lasting.”
Sullivan takes pride in her leadership, writing prowess and skills gained from being on the Coldwater Improv Team in her junior year.
“Kamille’s effect on campus overall is energizing,” Fairchild said. “She influences others to go all out and put themselves out there in a way.”

Fairchild recalls the first time they met. “Kamille and I sat next to each other in our 6th grade science class, and one day I dropped a book…” she said. “I looked at Kamille and we started laughing so hard. No one understood. From there, we became best friends.”
Kamille has always been a bright spot for the school, from when you see her during student rallies to other STUCO led events.
Not only has Kamille been a bright spot for the student body of 2020, but also for teachers all across campus.
Ms. Secor, an Agua Fria U.S. history teacher, said that Kamille “has amazing energy and passion for Agua Fria and is always ready to amp up her classmates.”
Another teacher who loved having Kamille was Ms. Miller, the AP Lang teacher here at AFHS, who said, “She is the funniest teenager, maybe even person, I have ever met. She is truly unique in her spirit, and she owns who she is in a confident and empowering way.
“She is passionate, caring and wants to make the world a better place. I think the best thing about Kamille is her ability to balance being absolutely hilarious and utterly sincere and thoughtful all within one conservation. She is one of a kind.”
Ms. Miller added, “For two years now, she has brightened my mornings with either her energy or her jokes. She has pushed my thinking, she has made me and everyone she meets a better person. I will miss her so much, and I know she will continue to conquer the world in her next steps.”
Ms. Secor had very similar salutations. “I am super excited for Kamille to take her awesomeness to the next level at U of A!” Ms. Secor said. “She is amazing! Agua Fria will miss her spirit and personality, but I have confidence that she will come back and visit.”
It isn’t hard to see that Kamille will have a bright future ahead of her.
Sullivan wants to shout out her teachers Ms. Secor and Ms. Miller.
“They’re the dynamic duo that none of us deserve,” Sullivan said. “Bless them so much for putting up with my abundance of energy junior and senior year because I visited their classrooms all the time. I love them.”
Sullivan’s last message is:“Future Owls, my message to you is to live out your high school experience the way you’d like to. Sometimes that means doing things that make you uncomfortable or things that maybe your friends don’t want to do, but trying it out anyway is the first step to becoming your own person.
“The world needs more strong individuals, who march to their own beats, and I hope the classes of 2024, 2025, and so on, can be those leaders.”