Staff Goobye: Farewell Seniors!

By: Autumn Daniels, AFHS Athletic Director/Assistant Principal

Dear Class of 2021,


Every class at Agua Fria plants the seeds for many memories leading up to what kind of class they will be by their senior year. Will they be witty, confident, funny, smart, artistic or athletic? 

Following the Class of 2020, I didn’t think any class could go through more than they did, but as the Class of 2021 you surely did! You are able to come out of this year stronger with many stories to tell.  Owls, you committed to get through all that was thrown at you. If I could assign a word to your class it would be … Dedication. 

Definition of dedication: the quality of being committed to a task or purpose. 

You may be the most unique class the world will ever encounter, but I can say you all committed to the same goal at once and together. Now, you may not have been together all in person, but the purpose was still a united front to graduate. Your education platforms were changed quickly at the end of your Junior year and became a new norm your Senior year.

Photo Credit: Autumn Daniels

Though your class practiced new learning, there is one thing that remained at the forefront. You stayed on course and dedicated to finish strong…to still strive to graduate! 

Here’s what else I know: You are some of the most powerful and innovative students. During this pandemic, you’ve been using the technology and media to raise your voices and share your ideas. You have risen to the occasion and shown that your bravery outshines any doubts you had about yourselves. You are uniquely set up to handle every curveball that a global pandemic can throw at you with creativity, resilience, and grace. 

Our vision for your class was to reach the end, get to that finish line, and walk across that stage. So now that time is here. 

You are about to embark on a new journey, so take with you the hard work and dedication that life has given you this past year and apply it to your next journey. Let those seeds you have planted in your life begin to blossom. 

No one can take away the time and effort you put into furthering your education. Keep that close to heart and soar. The dedication you showed throughout your student life is unimaginable, there is no doubt in my mind that this dedication will take you onto new heights in life. I am excited to see where you go next and remember that you are Owl Strong. 

So Farewell to the Class of 2021…dare to dedicate yourself to make the most of any situation, try new things, enjoy adventures and be the best you can be! 


Congrats, you did it! 

Mrs. Daniels