On August 23rd, 2024, the first meeting of the journalism club took place. Originally, I was unsure about the journalism club. However, my view of the club quickly changed when I saw the beautiful glazed donuts someone had brought in. I have had all types of donuts throughout my life, but something about these donuts was different. To add to the glory, remnants of the sun were glistening through the window onto the donuts, giving them an almost heavenly glow.

Evan-Amos, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
I have been in love a few times, but the only love that lasted, my one true love, was those donuts. Their glaze, a clear white, simple- yet so elegant. I looked away, a mere mortal such as myself was not deserving of such an apparition. Yet, my sinning self could not resist the temptation, “just one bite…” I thought. Looking back now, I should have never reached for that donut. As the donut entered my mouth, my teeth began to grind against the soft dough, growing my love evermore. My mind transcended this dull reality and took me someplace greater; a life filled with happiness and joy. My whole life, I had thought that glazed donuts were supposed to be dry and basic, but it only took one bite for it to revitalize me and bring me to the new conclusion that something basic should not be looked down upon, but instead should be praised for it is the foundation of every great donut after it. The donut taught me a valuable lesson, mastering the basics of something will open the door to greatness. In a desperate attempt for more knowledge, I scrambled to consume more donuts. In the end, I had devoured a total of four glazed donuts. Now I shall forever be known as the donut devourer