Xandria Montero For the Win: On To ASU

Sam Lopez, OwlFeed Sports Editor

You can’t miss her confidence in the room. She’s not shy to make new friends either. Xandria Marie Montero can light up a room the same way she can a court. 

Her constructive growth has shown throughout her years and she’s ready to attend Arizona State University in Downtown Phoenix this fall for medical studies. Xandria is vocal when it comes to talking to people and lets herself be heard. There’s not much to it.

Her melanin skin compliments her brown curly hair that’s usually in a bun of some sort. When her hair is down it’s a visible aura sitting on her shoulders and it radiates her courageous personality. 

 Growing up she was usually taller than most girls and even the boys. She wore boots with the fur to her softball games when she was little and found the dirt pretty yummy. It didn’t take long for her to realize softball wasn’t her favorite. Xandria played a variety of sports through her childhood but found basketball to be her favorite. 

“I remember playing with my brothers and cousins and thinking nothing of it because we were just messing around for the most part,”  Xandria said. “I thought it’d be fun to play on a team in seventh grade so I played for the middle school team.”

Being on a team made Xandria enjoy playing a little more. She was able to meet new people who shared the same energy as her. 

Through different seasons came new coaches and team members and even different sports in-between seasons. In middle school, Xandria ran track as a sprinter which helped her stay conditioned for basketball. It gave her an advantage by the time the season came around.

Xandria ran club track from sixth grade to eighth grade. Sprinting helped her speed to run across the court. She played as post and power throughout her basketball seasons.  

“Track seasons were a lot of fun in middle school,” Xandria said. “After a while, you get used to the heat and sometimes we’d get lucky and the football field sprinklers would turn on.”

It wasn’t unusual to see her tying her curly hair into her trademark bun and out of the way when it was time to get serious. Relays were always fun to her but it could get frustrating when stepping wasn’t right. 

Likewise in basketball when a play doesn’t go the way planned, Frustration can take over. But Xandria has teammates that help calm her down.

“She was vocal about her ability to not be able to do certain drills but always worked really hard to actually do most of them really well,” said Agua Fria Women’s Basketball Coach Samuel Polvino. 

Xandria is definitely an achiever when she puts in the work. She knows what it takes to be better for herself. Even if she has setbacks she can bounce back from them quite easily and come back stronger.

She has her family and friends there to help her through these times. Seniors Jozalynn Guzman and Viviana Martinez have spent elementary through high school together. As close to her as family, they’ve seen Xandria’s growth through life too.

“I liked watching her play because you can see herself in a play. Usually, when she fights for the ball she gets it,” said senior Jozalynn Guzman.

Xandria’s friends and family are supportive when it comes to games and meets. She always enjoyed seeing her grandma, Ma, next to her brother or mom. 

Ma was someone that Xandria would always turn to when anything came up. She was Xandria’s biggest supporter and Xandria was hers too. 

Xandria liked to do her eyeliner before Ma went out with her friends and cousins. It was fun to listen to Mexican music in the background even if Xandria didn’t understand everything they were saying. It was always worth it to learn how to sing it for Ma.

In 2018 Ma passed away and Xandria didn’t see her face in the crowd anymore. At first, she wasn’t used to it but after a while, she would just have to remember what Ma would be saying.

Her family and friends helped be there for her. The strong-willed athlete played through the feelings and leaned on the people that surrounded her, especially the ones who were patient as time went on.

Through time Xandria still keeps Ma close to her heart. Every day, through thick and thin, she can still feel Ma’s love. Xandria carries on for Ma and continues to work hard knowing that she wants Xandria to be the best and happiest person she can be.

As Xandria takes her next stride into a new setting at Arizona State University she decides she’s gonna stay in dorms in Downtown Phoenix. 

In the third grade Xandria, as well as her third grade class, was offered a full ride scholarship to any Arizona University, college, or trade school that would help them make a career. Tom and Jill Rosztoczy set up a College Promise Rosztoczy Foundation.

“In third grade I really had no idea what any of that meant but looking back at it, I’m really thankful for their support,” said Xandria when talking about any scholarships she got.

Xandria can admit this helped her college process and transition greatly. With a little brother just two grades below, paying for college would be up to her and not as much from her mom. 

“I could tell my mom took it serious because she was always on me about my grades. We have the scholarship but it’s still up to me to meet the requirements to get into a university,” added Xandria. 

Photo Credit: David Espinoza

Xandria is a fireball that works for what she wants no matter what. She fights her way through life with her head high because she has high expectations for herself.

Coach Polvino gave Xandria the following advice: “Listen to what others say and think about a response before you actually say it and never doubt yourself.”

As the OwlFeed Sports Editor, it was a great experience to write about Xandria’s team season and wish her the best in the next chapter of her life!